If you're looking for the hot nice, you've found it.

Friday, April 13, 2007

The New NHL

I'm on record as a fierce critic of the NHL's post-lockout rule changes. While I still agree with much of what I wrote in that angry, convoluted missive, I have to admit that the "new NHL" hasn't turned out as badly as I'd feared. In fact, for the first time in almost a decade, I'm actually excited about the start of playoff season. Two of the league's recent moves have been particularly reassuring: first, in contrast to stodgy old Major League Baseball, the NHL has not just tolerated but in fact actively encouraged the dissemination of game footage online; second, Gary Bettman has reiterated that fighting remains an important part of the game, despite recent debate about abolishing it. After all, as long as there's room in hockey for nice guys like Georges Laraque, fans like Lil' Jon and myself will show up to watch.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

#5: Times Literary Supplement

Compare to: As-yet-nonexistent American Review of Books

But not: Myopic New York Review of Books, Middlebrow New York Times Book Review

From the letters section of a recent issue:

"Sir, -- Paul Barker (February 9) places Brown University 'on Rhode Island'; Diana Edwards (Letters, March 2) doubts that there is any such island. They are both wrong. ..."