If you're looking for the hot nice, you've found it.

Monday, March 12, 2007


I could say all sorts of mean things about Good magazine's list of the top magazines of all time, but that would be silly and, well, mean -- and thus contrary to the generous spirit of this blog. Instead, allow me to congratulate them on having devised a much-del.icio.used feature, and thank them for having inspired me to come up with a magazine list of my own.

Mine is much shorter, since I limited myself to magazines to which I have subscribed, or which I bought (or continue to buy) consistently on newsstands. Since this is a great opportunity to write nice things about periodicals I love, I plan to post about these magazines from time to time.


Unknown said...

the economist, the nation, ladies' home journal? i know your tricks.

nathan said...

was just talking to one of the dudes from good. they are getting me drunk tonight. it is good.